How Much Does Physical Therapy for Gym-Related Injuries Cost in Orange County?

cost gym injuries Sep 02, 2024
A picture of a person working out at the gym with a search bar that says: Cost of Physical Therapy for Gym Injuries in Orange County?

By Dr. Christian Legaspi, CEO || Founder Precizion Physical Therapy, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, Clinical Specialist Spine Fellow

Understanding the Cost of Physical Therapy for Gym-Related Injuries

Gym-related injuries can put a serious damper on your fitness goals. Whether it’s shoulder pain from bench pressing or lower back discomfort from deadlifts, you're likely wondering: How much does physical therapy for gym-related injuries cost in Orange County?

At Precizion Physical Therapy, we help athletes and gym-goers recover from these common injuries and return to training stronger. As a specialist in orthopedic and spine care, I’ve spent over two decades refining my approach to help people just like you. Let’s explore what you can expect to pay for physical therapy in Orange County.

What Is the Average Cost of Physical Therapy for Gym-Related Injuries?

In Orange County, physical therapy costs typically range from $100 to $225 per session, but several factors influence where your treatment falls within this range.

4 Factors That Influence Physical Therapy Costs

  1. Type of Injury: More severe injuries, like rotator cuff tears or herniated discs, may require more extensive treatment.
  2. Treatment Plan: The number of sessions you need plays a key role in your overall costs. Chronic or severe injuries may require more frequent visits.
  3. Clinic Location and Facilities: Clinics with advanced recovery tools or specialized gym-based programs might charge higher fees.
  4. Expertise of the Therapist: At Precizion PT, our specialized spine and orthopedic care comes with a higher level of expertise, which may reflect in pricing.

Cost Breakdown for Common Gym-Related Injuries

Here’s a detailed breakdown of costs for some common gym injuries:

  • Shoulder Impingement (Bench Press)
    • Sessions: 6–8
    • Cost per Session: $150–$175
    • Total Cost: $800–$1,500
  • Lower Back Pain (Deadlifts or Squats)
    • Sessions: 10–12
    • Cost per Session: $175–$195
    • Total Cost: $1,000–$2,100
  • Knee Pain (Patellar Tendonitis from Squats)
    • Sessions: 6–8
    • Cost per Session: $150–$175
    • Total Cost: $600–$1,100

Does Insurance Cover Physical Therapy for Gym Injuries?

Insurance may cover part of your physical therapy costs, but there are often limitations. These may include needing a referral or a cap on the number of sessions allowed.

In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Options

Choosing an in-network clinic may lower your out-of-pocket costs, but it might limit your access to specialized care. At Precizion Physical Therapy, we offer a cash-based model to ensure you get the best possible care without insurance restrictions. This allows for faster results, customized 1-on-1 treatment, and no red tape.

Why Cash-Based Physical Therapy Can Be Worth It

Cash-based therapy offers several advantages, especially when treating gym-related injuries:

  • No hidden fees or insurance-driven restrictions.
  • Flexible payment options, including packages for longer-term care.
  • Treatment plans tailored specifically to your injury and fitness goals.

Is Investing in Physical Therapy Worth the Cost?

For anyone serious about their fitness, physical therapy is an investment in long-term health and performance. Addressing pain early can prevent future injuries and keep you training without fear of setbacks.

At Precizion PT, we’ve helped countless athletes recover from injuries and return to their routines stronger than ever. By investing in physical therapy now, you may save yourself from more costly treatments later.

Start Your Recovery Today

Now that you know how much physical therapy for gym-related injuries costs in Orange County, it’s time to take action. If you're ready to recover and prevent future injuries, schedule a free assessment at today!

If you're not ready to book an appointment, check out the other articles below to learn more!